including Authors@R
to reflect best practicesMAJOR CHANGES
Fixed a typo on an alpha parameter in granovagg.ds that was giving unneeded grief. Many thanks to Jeremy Gray (@jeremycg) for raising the issue
Fix bugs related to drawing CI Band, crossbow, trails, and shadows in granovagg.ds
Stop importing datasets from MASS; instead put them directly in the package and document them locally
Remove calls to unit(), which will help address issues like #164
granovaGG now uses ggplot2 v0.92's theming system (
geom_rug_alt() has been removed; we use the "sides" argument of geom_rug instead
granovaGG is compatible with both ggplot2 0.8.9 and ggplot2 0.9.0
granovaGG now imports most of its dependencies through a NAMESPACE file, so most dependent packages are no longer loaded into the global namespace
granovagg.ds provides printed summary output
granovagg.ds handles axis reversal and visual padding arguments
granovagg.1w provides better printed summary output, including linear model information
Users can now suppress printed squares in granovagg.1w
Printed squares in granovagg.1w now change color if F > F_critical; previously they changed color if F > 1.
ggplot2 implementations of three of the four graphical analysis of variance functions:
Since the core functions can return ggplot2 objects (or a list of them, in the case of .contr) you can use the extensibility of ggplot2's grammar of graphics to customize your plots
geom_rug_alt - an alternate ggplot2 geom for creating rugs whose tufts appear on the top and right of a graph, instead of the default bottom and left sides produced by geom_rug